psychedelic therapy near me

Showing all 4 results

  • psychedelic mushrooms for sale

    Cubensis B+ Magic Mushrooms

    Magic Mushrooms $115.00$1,230.00
    14 GRAMS
    28 GRAMS
    112 GRAMS
    228 GRAMS
    453 GRAMS
  • buying psychedelic mushrooms online

    Deadhead Chemist 5-Meo-DMT

    DMT $210.00$850.00
    2 Pen
    3 Pen
    4 Pen
    5 Pen
    Rated 0 out of 5
  • can you overdose on mushrooms in USA

    Lyophilized Goldmember Magic Mushrooms

    Magic Mushrooms $115.00$1,200.00
    14 GRAMS
    26 GRAMS
    112 GRAMS
    228 GRAMS
    453 GRAMS
    Rated 0 out of 5
  • PF Classic Mushroom

    Magic Mushrooms $115.00$855.00
    14 GRAM
    28 GRAM
    112 GRAM
    228 GRAM
    458 GRAM
    Rated 0 out of 5
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